Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Internet Chat Using Skype

Anna and I have been very lucky.  We established a special bond very quickly.  One of the tools we both love to use is internet Chat using Skype.  Skype is a free resource that can be downloaded at http://www.skype.com/.  I cannot begin to tell you how exciting it was to start internet chatting with Anna after about a month of long email letter exchanges.  If we were lucky we would get about two long letters exchanged in a good week.  With Skype chat it was like exchanging a long letter in a half an hour!  And when we fianlly added video it was like we were talking in the same room with each other!  I will always be grateful to Skype for allowing this level of communication with Anna.  Anna even downloaded Skype on her parents computer so we could keep in touch when she goes home for a weekend or the holidays.  Also we plan to keep in touch with Anna's family this way when Anna and I are finally together in the US.  During each chat session Anna records our conversation and I take at least one photograph from the video to help document our relationship.  This is necessary for the immigration process.  Here is one of my favorite photographs of Anna from one of our chat sessions.

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