Monday, March 30, 2009

A Lonely Heart...

I am an intelligent, gentle, good natured man. In appearance I am not remarkable. Sure I could lose a few pounds. My work ethic is very strong and I have been working since I have been 15 years old. I have a good job that I enjoy doing, and I am good at it. I have some close friends and am lucky in that regard. But for most of my life I have just not been lucky in love. The first woman I thought I might be interested in marrying, when I was 21 years old, was cheating on me. My heart has been broken so many times that I should have a humty-dumpty nursery rhyme written for it. I should just have Shiva the dark goddess cut the living heart from my chest and be done with it! I have tried asking women out in person, blind dates, dating services, and online dating websites. I even lived with a woman for a couple of years. It didn't work out in the end. And I swear if I hear I just want to be friends one more time I will jam sharpened pencils into my ears. So I decided to try the foreign matchmaking services. After going through several sites I finally met a nice woman from Uzbeckistan. We started writing to each other but I finally realized that her heart was a little cold and mercenary-like. You come Usbeckistan. We meet. You kiss once on cheek. You pay to take me to America. We do sex once a week. I wash your shorts. You buy diamond ring and sports car. You get the picture. Later I tried Yahoo personals, Matchmaker, and eHarmony. I would get nibbles but nothing ever more than a couple of letters exchanged. Unless of course I was willing to date a retiree! I even looked into a Mexican matchmaking service since the border is only about 30 miles away but with all the violence going on there now it just wasn't worth the trouble. Then I had a pretty good idea. I work with some very wonderful Chinese women. They are intelligent, vibrant, very family oriented, and good co-workers. My mentor at work is a wonderful lady named Zhongzhou Shen. So I thought I wonder if there are any Chinese matchmaking services? After a quick Google search I found the site which looked really promising. Wow! Thousands of beautiful Chinese women! Could this site be for real? So for one entire weekend I read the forums and information at the site and then decided to fill out my profile and give it a try. This may have been one of my best decisions I ever made. This is what has eventually led me to Anna!

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